I often have a conversation along the lines that superannuation is such a bad investment. Superannuation is the vehicle the Australian Government provides significant tax advantages, it’s the underlying investments that need to be better understood. These investments can be similar to those you would invest in outside of superannuation.
Our new clients would normally have 3 or 4 super funds from various jobs and have little interest in superannuation – sound familiar? Draw a line in the sand and take positive action now!
We ensure you make informed & confident financial decisions, particularly with investment & superannuation.
Superannuation is important, this is your working life investment with the view to funding your retirement. Superannuation is generally invested in a mix of local and international shares, property, infrastructure and fixed interest funds and as such has a much different earnings profile than a simple bank deposit.
We will educate you to develop an understanding of these different investments and show how this will deliver a tax-effective retirement income stream.
Our advice to you can include:
- superannuation consolidation,
- is SMSF appropriate
- your contribution strategy & tax effectiveness
- how to invest or rebalance your capital
- Government Co-Contribution, spouse contribution, First Home Super saver scheme
- Downsizer contribution, Small Business retirement exemptions, CGT minimisation
- Transition to Retirement Pensions/Drawdown Strategy
- an appropriate superannuation fund
- Life Insurance inside or outside of superannuation,
- Binding death benefit nominations,
- Estate Planning, Wills, Power of Attorney.
When you are young, it is important to establish and implement a strategy to accumulate superannuation over the long term. As you near retirement, we help you implement strategies to increase your superannuation.
Superannuation is one area in Australia that is regularly subject to Government change, it is a lower-taxed long-term investment. Every year there are often numerous and sometimes onerous changes and why our annual review program will ensure you stay on top of your plan.
Our fixed price, client engagement/service program, encourages you to take control of your superannuation & retirement journey.